Annual Reports
We support established and emerging cultural community groups across Tasmania.
Welcome CS greatly appreciates donations to support the work of our organisation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. A receipt will be issued when donations are received.
You are able to elect the amount of your donation and all transactions are processed in Australian dollars. Donations can be made online (credit cards) or via EFT. Bank details for EFT can be obtained via email
Donations are received by Welcome Cultural Services
21 Haig Street Mowbray 7248 – PO Box 824 Launceston 7250
Phone 1800 672 586 – ABN 58 269 822 032
We support established and emerging cultural community groups across Tasmania.
OUR VISION – Vibrant Tasmanian communities that are inclusive and culturally diverse.
OUR VALUES – We will act ethically, with integrity and be reliable, dependable and trustworthy while delivering quality supports and services.
OUR PURPOSE – To deliver person-centred support to all people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds and people living with disability, so they live meaningful, enriched lives, within our community.
Welcome is proud to be an NDIS-Registered Provider for NDIS Support Co-ordination and Assist Life-Stage Transition.
Welcome is proud to be a Registered Charity with the ACNC.
Welcome celebrates all diversity and is committed to inclusive practice.
Commitment to Child Safety
Welcome is a Child and Youth Safe Organisation. We actively work to listen to and empower children and to provide an inclusive and safe environment for all young people. In particular, we are committed to promoting cultural safety and to ensuring that the diverse needs of children and young people are met.