Our vision is a vibrant Tasmania that is inclusive and culturally diverse.
Welcome to Citizenship Services
Welcome assists families by providing guidance and information to aid in the preparation for and completion of the Citizenship test.
These services are fee-for-service and available to the broad community.
Welcome to Community Development
Welcome assists new and emerging multicultural groups to collectively increase social participation, economic and personal wellbeing, health literacy, safety, access to and knowledge of available services.
Welcome to Cultural Humility Consultation & Training
Cultural humility training is an educational approach designed to foster self-awareness, openness, and sensitivity to cultural differences.
Unlike cultural competence, which implies a level of mastery or expertise, cultural humility emphasises a lifelong commitment to learning and understanding diverse perspectives.
Welcome provides an innovative approach to cultural humility training, furnishing professionals with a structured practice model. It enables participants to enhance their comprehension of effective communication with individuals from various backgrounds.
Additionally, it supports workplaces through a transformative power of awareness, including support to better understand their workforce through practical tips. This training is fee-for-service delivery.
Welcome to Disability Support
Funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Welcome offers a range of services and supports to people living with disability in Tasmania
Any person living with disability who believes that culturally rich supports will enhance their independence, identity and contribution to the community, would benefit from the support provided by Welcome.
These supports include but are not limited to:
- Support Co-ordination
- Core Supports and Programs
- Allied Health Services
Visit our Welcome Disability Website for more information.
Welcome to Diversity Project
Welcome and Laurel House are facilitating a Diversity Project titled, Breaking Barriers, Building Strengths: Collaboratively Addressing Sexual Violence in Diverse Cultural Communities.
This project aims to examine the barriers that exist for people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, in reporting sexual violence and accessing support services in the North and Northwest regions of Tasmania. Some of these groups include seasonal workers and those on temporary or spousal visas.
We aim to connect with these community members to understand the gaps and barriers that exist in service delivery, education and resources. We will collaborate and co-design resources through stakeholder engagement, working groups and collaborative sessions.
This will enhance the capacity of Welcome, Laurel House and other service providers in offering an informed, inclusive and accessible service delivery for these community members. This project is funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC).
Welcome to Drive4Life
The Drive4Life Program (D4L) offers volunteer supervisory drivers and two dual-controlled vehicles, to enable eligible disadvantaged migrants to obtain the required 80 logged driving hours necessary to qualify for their Provisional Driving Test.
Additionally, it assists disadvantaged migrants, holding a valid overseas licence, to convert to a Tasmanian licence. D4L is funded by The Department of State Growth.
Welcome to Multicultural Playgroup
Operating from Muylatina Child and Family Learning Centre, Welcome offers a weekly playgroup with activities to support families and the local community.
The primary aim of the playgroup is to engage CaLD families with children aged 0-5 years and to provide a range of supports for parents and carers.
Welcome uses evidence-based frameworks to tailor programs to meet the current and emerging needs of diverse communities.
This service is funded through the Communities for Children Program.
Welcome to North West Services
Welcome is connecting Devonport CaLD communities to existing services and supports, identifying gaps and improving effectiveness of services and community, as well as assisting with linkages to eligible services Welcome delivers in Launceston.
Funded through the Devonport City Council, this community connector program aims to demonstrate the culturally rich and diverse vision council has for its community and members.
Welcome to Training & Employment Pathways
At Welcome, we work with industries to understand workforce demands to ensure targeted programs are building industry capacity.
We do this by engaging culturally diverse community members in programs that explore a range of allied trades.
These programs provide assistance to understand and better prepare for work in an Australian context,
We provide this by engaging in class-based workshops, practical hands-on projects, some accredited training and hours of work placement.
Our Employment Consultant focusses on finding sustainable employment outcomes for participants through settlement supports, by actively identifying opportunities with local employers through business development and securing placements.
Welcome to Volunteers
Volunteers are an integral part of Welcome and the broader community. Welcome has a vibrant and enthusiastic volunteer base that draws on a diverse group of dedicated and generous people.
Volunteer-based settlement supports provide culturally diverse community members with settlement-related information, advice and advocacy to access relevant services to assist in simplifying their integration.
There are various volunteer roles available to assist CaLD community members in their settlement journey through challenging assumptions and welcoming them into the community:
- Friendship and support within NDIS
- Heritage Forest Community Garden
- Multicultural Playgroup
- Training and Employment Pathways
- English language classes
- Driver mentoring through the Drive 4 Life Program
Welcome invites enthusiastic volunteers to contribute innovative concepts and proposals aimed at creating new volunteer positions, exploring ways we can extend support.